I'm drowning in paperwork! I'm overwhelmed with job applications, student loan deferment instructions, unemployment stuff, 401k and pension documents, COBRA papers, Health Savings Accounts and bank account information. No wonder I haven't felt like reading anything more complicated than an issue of Entertainment Weekly lately.
I had a fantastic week in Galveston, Texas visiting family and then spent another 4 days at Auburn Pisces home enjoying her air conditioning and swimming pool (not simultaneously).
So, I guess vacation is over, if it's really possible to take a vacation from being unemployed. Wouldn't taking vacation from unemployment mean working somewhere for a while? Ah, well. That's not what happened. I spent lots and lots of time in the sun and swimming pool. I laughed with my family and ate lots of delicious food.
Now back to my piles of paperwork.
By the way, that picture above was taken in Tokyo in 2006. I think my life right now feels even more overwhelming than a neon night in Tokyo!