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Seething Cakes of Hatred

Making pancakes, as I learned at AP's birthday bash at the beach this weekend, is an unbelievably tedious chore. I don't know why I...

Thursday, January 15, 2004

She really stirred the pot this time. The pervasive ignorance is unbelievable, isnt' it?

I'm at a loss with how to allow you to post comments. I've tried two different commenting services and the comments keep disappearing. I am so lazy I can't imagine learning how to code my own. I think the comments may be back, though. It seems to be server problems or something.

I just added my e-mail link in the sidebar, so now I will probably get tons of spam. Yes, I already tried to use the e-mail riddler but I couldn't figure it out. I am a genius.

Good thing I am not working in a technical field at all.

Oh, wait. I am.

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